If you’re seeking a remarkable secondary school scholarship to pursue higher education abroad, consider the following selection criteria that apply to many such opportunities:

  • Financial Need: Demonstrate that you cannot afford the tuition fees of the program.
  • Academic Excellence: Showcase a strong academic record to enhance your prospects for receiving a scholarship.
  • Language Proficiency: Being fluent in the language of instruction for the scholarship’s host country significantly increases your chances of success.
  • Demographics: Some scholarships are specifically designed for certain demographic groups, such as indigenous populations or individuals with disabilities. If you belong to such a category, you could be eligible.

Here’s a list of top international scholarships for secondary school students to consider:

  1. TASIS England Global Community Scholarship: Offers reimbursements for tuition fees to students excelling in academics, sports, volunteer work, and the arts.
  2. Taejon Christian International School Merit Scholarships: Provides merit-based scholarships to high school students in South Korea, focusing on academic excellence.
  3. St George’s School Scholarships: Available to boarding students in Canada with a strong academic background and involvement in arts, community service, leadership, and sports.
  4. International School of Aberdeen IB Diploma Program Bursary: Covers tuition for the final two years of secondary school for students with above-average academic achievements but financial constraints.
  5. Northampton High School for Girls Bursaries and Scholarships: Offers scholarships and bursaries to the most promising students entering Years 7, 9, and 12, and bursaries to students entering Years 7 and 12.

These scholarships vary in terms of eligibility, coverage, and application processes, so it’s essential to review each opportunity carefully to determine which align best with your personal situation and goals.

10. International School of Aberdeen IB Diploma Program Bursary

  • The International School of Aberdeen IB Diploma Program Bursary is open to students who demonstrate above-average academic achievement but are not able to pursue their studies due to financial need.
  • This scholarship covers tuition fees for the final two years of secondary school, i.e. Grade 11 and 12
  •  The International School of Aberdeen is located on North Deeside Road, Aberdeen, Scotland.

9. Northampton High School for Girls Bursaries and Scholarships

  • Northampton High School for Girls offers bursaries and scholarship awards from the Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST). These awards are given to the most promising students at the school.
  • Scholarships for outstanding achievement are given to students entering Years 7, 9, and 12, and bursaries are given to students entering Years 7 and 12.
  • This school is located in Hardingstone, Northampton, UK.

8. Colchester High School Scholarships

  • Colchester High School, located in Colchester, UK, offers one of the top 10 international scholarships for secondary school students. The school offers a range of scholarships to pupils who display outstanding academic achievement.
  • Year 7 scholarships are given for Maths, English, Science, Music and Performance, Sports, etc.
  • Year 6 pupils also have the opportunity to apply for 3-year academic achievement scholarships.

7. Guildhouse School Scholarship of Excellence

  • Guildhouse School Scholarship of Excellence is awarded to exceptional students who successfully apply for admission at the University of Oxford or the University of Cambridge. This scholarship covers the cost of the final two years of their high school studies and accommodation costs.
  • The amount paid by the students for their final years of secondary school is reimbursed once they show proof of acceptance into the universities and attendance records for the first semester.
  • Guildhouse School is located at Bloomsbury Square, London.

6. TASIS England Global Community Scholarship

  • The TASIS England Global Community Scholarship is awarded to day and boarding students entering Years 9 and 12. It targets students who have excelled in academics, sports, voluntary work, and the arts.
  • The scholarship amount is deducted from the total tuition fee amount.

5. Taejon Christian International School Merit Scholarships

  • Taejon Christian International School provides merit scholarships to high school students in Grades 10, 11, and 12 at the school.
  • These scholarships encourage educational excellence, competitiveness, and academic scholarship among the students at the school.
  • This school is located in Daejeon, South Korea.

4. St. George’s School Global Leadership Scholarship

  • St George’s School, located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, gives scholarships to boarding students who demonstrate previous success in arts, community service, leadership, and sports.
  • The Global Leadership Scholarship is open to international applicants in Grades 8 to 12 who have a strong academic record.

3. Two Worlds Youth Travel Programs Scholarship

  • The Two Worlds Youth Travel Programs Scholarship is another of the top 10 international scholarships for secondary school students. This scholarship program allows high school students to experience daily life in the USA, Canada, Australia, Spain, France, Germany, and England.
  • Recipients of this fully funded scholarship live with a family member in a host community and are enrolled in a local high school.

2. Peponi School 13+ and 16+ Scholarships

  • The Peponi School Scholarship Program aims to reward students and encourage them to excel in their studies. The scholarships are offered at 13+ and 16+ entry level.
  • There are three categories of scholarships at this prestigious school based in Ruiru, Kenya, i.e. academic, specialist (sport, music, art, and drama), and all-rounder.

1. The Beacon Scholarship

  • The Beacon Scholarship Program is a leadership development program that identifies and nurtures change-makers in secondary schools in Africa.
  • This program targets secondary school students from Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, and Tanzania who have applied to study at Beacon Partner Schools.  The Partner Schools contribute a third of the scholar’s annual tuition fee.

These top 10 international scholarships for secondary school students are definitely worth exploring. All the best!

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